Author: admin

Help Make Poverty History

It is very important that a Republican Commission be established (anything royal is corrupt and rotten to the core) that will thoroughly investigate the actions and inactions of the offices of governor generals, state governors past and present for neglecting in their duty of care in ensuring that the colony of Oz is properly governed..

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Private Members Bill

  At present, the household incomes of the top 20% households are $330,000 per year. If you take back $600 per week from each of the top 20% households and redistribute it into the bottom 30% of households then poverty would be given the republican order of both boots and no more scandal of the..

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God made the world

God made the world “but the evil doers are destroying it because there are very few people of goodwill to stop them”, and their nefarious deeds. People who stand by idly and allow evil to prosper are lacking in goodness. WBA take note!  The trade union thugs have tortured the sick mothers of worker’s children..

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Hello over there Man of God! How is Christianity progressing in your big ecclesiastical phenomenal? I wrote to you last year in reference to compensation for the misdeeds of some Popes in relation to Ireland, but so far have had no reply.   POPE GIVES IRELAND TO ENGLAND You are aware that in 1156 AD..

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1820 or 2020

One thousand of Australia’s brain trust are to assemble in Canberra for a gabfest on what may be good or bad for the future of this colony. A thousand times that number wouldn’t equal the logic, practicality and sagacity of one Derrynoose, Co Armagh Irishman! If a country and its system is to be judged..

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Open Letter to Australia’s Head of State

Madam Queen, how are you going woman? I wish to inform you that your Christmas message, where you stated that ‘Everyone has a responsibility to care for the vulnerable and those excluded from society”, tickled me orange, white and green. Your message indicated that my previous letters to you regarding the scourge of poverty have..

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Copy of Open Letter to Mary Robinson

Mary I hear you are going to have a peep-a-boo at some of the goings on in her majesty’s far flung kerosene Penal Colony of Australia. About frigging time Mary that someone with some Irish brains cast an eye on her majesty’s barbaric Down Under Banana Monarchy. It may surprise you to learn Mary that..

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